Four Disturbed Civilians celebrate craziness in a world of the sane. The band plays against the conformist gray of everyday life and stands for inclusivity. “FDC” connects young enthusiasts and experienced music lovers, stepping out of its bubble to create a dialogue. Herbie Hancock, Snarky Puppy and Hiatus Kaiyote have influenced the sound of “FDC” just as much as its members’ individual musical backgrounds. The band moves somewhere between neofusion and nujazz – though genres are for sane people only. After a number of successful band contests, over 100 concerts at home and abroad, such as at the “Rampe Openair” (CH), Festival d’ Avignon (FR) or Schönbrunn Castle (AU), Four Disturbed Civilians are about to release their debut album.

Sax – Manuel Oberson / Keys – Christoph Meier / Bass – Noé Burger / Drums – Manuel Ramirez


"Metamorphosis " - EP OUT NOW!